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Actualizado: 6 mar 2019

Men and women are different. Men and women are equal. We all have heard both phrases countless times, sometimes coming even from the same people. But, is this coherent?

We live in the 21 st century, a time where more than ever lots of things have changed and evolved, and where there is no excuse for not defending equal dignity, freedom, recognition, as well as the same capabilities and opportunities between women and men, since they are both human beings. But nevertheless, women and men are different. It is obvious that physiologically and psychologically we are different.

Nowadays, as there have been lots of improvements, it is ridiculous to think that these differences can prevent women from obtaining certain jobs. We have the same capabilities and aptitudes to reach the same jobs and carry them out efficiently and successfully. However, it is naive to think that we will do them in the same way, because the differences mark a different approach and perspective, which ultimately brings variety, diversity, complementarity and enormous wealth at work, which otherwise could not occur.

The real problem is that many times in order to defend the equality between both we have forgotten a really important part, the differences. Many feminist campaigns for equality try to make us believe that we have the same characteristics. And for that reason, in the business world, conceived by and for men, when the door was finally opened to women and they tried to be included, they were expected to be the same as men. And it is then that instead of recognizing that difference contributes, we are asked to adapt to a masculinized world. They have told us that we should have more self-esteem, that we should negotiate just like men ... And forget that we can contribute things such as creativity, insight or a much more panoramic and global vision, which are generally more feminine characteristics. This is the barrier that makes many women fail to be leaders and reach the top.

However, I believe that what women should do is not to change or adapt. The problem is that differences should be recognized and we all should admit that these are not an barrier but a key point for women to access positions of influence. Social changes are needed to allow women to reach the same jobs, while preserving and respecting our differences. It is about being heard and that our perspectives have the same importance.

But until that happens, what can we do? Of course, we will continue trying to make ourselves the space we deserve in the labor force.  However, it is understandable that many women are not willing to give up vital things in their lives, such as motherhood. As a result, we must try to maintain our identity and integrity as women in a world in which sometimes it seems incompatible.

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